Sunday, October 15, 2006

Rejection letters

What are these but notches in our belt? Each one is hard earned and brings with it a sense of being a real writer. I mean, if you have a pile of rejections are you not truly A WRITER????
For Halloween I'm stapling all my rejection letters to my shirt and going as a Frustrated Writer. I know someone out there will understand....

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Warm balls of fur
And fun
Soft sweet and
Full of love

Always happy
I am here
Greets me with kisses
Every day, every time.

More affection
Then I deserve
Undying cuddly love
Forever mine
Aimlessly writing random writings.

Last Day of NANOWRIMO --- Oh No!

 Where did the month go?  Certainly not on the page. I have an outline, some character sketches but mostly I have a lot of research notes.  ...