Saturday, December 15, 2007

STRESS & Therapy Season

I'm in clay pot heaven!
Stress! Work! Shopping! (which makes me sooo dizzy!) Cooking! Baking! Pain & PT! Shipping packages! God save me from the post office!
I really needed therapy.... so I started painting. First it was just to make a pretty little pot as part of my mil's gift. Then I figured I'd just do another...and another...and another... and I'm still going. Painting has lifted my mood so much that the stress is easing and now there might just be a possiblity that I'll survive this season.
What do you do for stress relief?

1 comment:

Spy Scribbler said...

Wow, Aimless, those are absolutely amazing! Very cool. I wish I could paint like that! (Without all the work involved in learning, of course ;-)

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