Friday, May 04, 2018

Change, Change, Change...

Took a leap and moved to Florida to be closer to my kids. Just sold the house, left the jobs behind and drove a truck full of stuff to our new state. Right now we're staying with my daughter and looking for a place.

Yikes! We did it!

When I was 20 I would have done this in a minute, but now after building a home, careers and a life...what the heck were we thinking???

Well, what's life without a new goal, a new adventure? Time to learn new things, find our way and create a new life. I'm excited! Nervous! Ready to move onto a new world.

First I gotta learn to drive. I mean, I already know how to drive, but this place is like the wild, wild west. I came from a land of u-turns. You know -go right to go left. (I think it may be a Jersey thing.) Here in Florida they do these loops around in the middle of the road and it's freakin' scary! U-turns are an easier and safer way to get across a highway.

However, this place is warm and sunny. I'm walking the dogs, hanging at the pool and setting up the next phase of life. And it's great to be with my kids. I missed them so much I was miserable being 900 miles away.

Taking a big leap at this point in life is so much better than just sitting around doing what's expected. Time to turn the page and write the next chapter.

May the 4th be with you!

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