Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Looking for that Writing Mojo

 It's a slump? Writer's Block? No, I don't believe in writer's block because there's always something to write about. This is more like too damn busy to get any writing done. 

Up early and in work at 7 am. Out at 3 pm and then either to second job or home to do paperwork. And if I sit still for too long, I fall asleep.  It's lack of time. Too much to do and not enough hours in the day.  Super old excuse. 

So how to overcome it? 

Since I have some drive time I'm listening to books about writing. Donald Mass is a good one with the Emotional Craft of Fiction. Stephen King's On Writing - a must read. 

Any other favorite books on writing? I need to get inspired, to pull back into that writing zone. The place that comes from deep inside and spits out stories one after another. I need to get back to that place. That zone. 

Where do you get that inspiration? How do you find that writer's zone when life gets in the way?

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