Sunday, October 16, 2022

Writing, Research & Making it Happen

 Novels, short stories, bloggy blurbs. All writing is intertwined with our society. Sometimes it's a good thing to share our lives so that others can see they're not alone. Stuff happens, experiences may be unique to you but someone, somewhere has probably faced something like that, too. Seeing that can help.

How does this relate to writing? 

It's said there are no new story lines and that everything has been done before. That's probably true but since I haven't read every single book/writing in the universe, I can only guess.  What does that mean? 


Your story is unique and will be only yours. So string those words together, share those ideas & stories in your head and know that putting it out there in the world is a good thing. Fear not. 

In the beginning I was afraid if I wrote a certain scene the people I know would think less of me? Think I was weird? Deranged?  It was fear of what others think. Where does that fear come from? The all present Ego. 

Here's an example. The other day I was at the rescue where I work and we had to weigh the puppies coming in. Some puppies fit on the little scale. Others were too big. So the team turns to the smallest, skinniest woman there and asked if she'd get on the big scale. See, they asked her because to do this she would have to be weighed, then pick up the puppy and we weigh her again and do the math, we have the puppy's weight.  

Then the girl left. Oh no! There were still more puppies to weigh. Now I'm not at an ideal weight but I stepped up. "I don't care if you know how much I weigh." And I stepped on the scale. They announced my weight, I got off, picked up that puppy and got back on the scale. Math was done and we had the puppy's weight. 

Why didn't I care? Because I took a lesson from Popeye (remember him?) Popeye walked around singing "I am what I am and that's all that I am." Popeye knew. He put himself out there without that ego block. Ego is the thing that makes us aware of the opinions of others. Ego blocks our actions especially in matters of art, writing and any creative matter. 

A wise friend once told me, "Put your ego in the backseat and go forward." 

Best advice I ever got. I pull up those words when faced with the ego. 

So go ahead and write your story. Truthfully? I see people who do that as brave souls. They know who they are and aren't afraid to show it. 

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