Insanity has struck. I'm thinking of running the Color Run this year. It comes to New Jersey on my birthday so I'm thinking this is an omen...or a challenge?
I feel I need something to shake me up. Since losing my job I've had a bit of depression and find myself hanging by the fridge. I think most of this depression comes from fear of getting another job I absolutely hate. I want something that's busy and challenging. If I get another job where I have so much down time I end up staring at the walls again I think I might go crazy. The last two jobs I had, had too much down time. I spent hours trying to look busy because there just wasn't enough work to do. I haven't had a job I loved since I left the Student Exchange company. That job was interesting and crazy busy. I loved it.
Back to the Color Run, if I want to do this I'm going to have to start some serious training since I never run. I used to walk a lot, but it's been a while. You can walk the color run. It's not really a race but more of a fun run. They throw color at you, you dance in the rainbows and run at your own pace. But I really want to run this all the way.
Any runners in the crowd? Advice?
Tomorrow is day one of training. Tomorrow night I'll be collapsed on the couch. See you then!