Yet here I am blogging, but I have a good excuse. Something landed in my email box today that I wanted to share.
Galley Cat has a page with free ways to promote your book.
BookBaby lets you put your book on their FB page. I put mine up and it disappeared. I don't know what's up with that. Did I do it wrong? Anyway, go check it out on this page

I think I found BookBaby on J.A.Konrath's page but don't quote me here. He lists a couple he's used on his blog. I also want to say to those new to my blog, Konrath's site has lots of good marketing ideas.
Ok, I'm in my I just have to get off the internet!
Picture is of Hemingway over his fireplace in Key West. I think the artist missed something in the calf muscle or Hemingway had a problem.
Later gators....I got a book to finish.