Not sure how I feel about this. . . I need to research more. Could be a possibility.
How is this different from Amazon?
Would it be a good place to put those shorter stories that I'm not sure will fly on Amazon?
Then there's Amazon's KDP. I've been on it and I've been off it. I don't sell a lot of books anyway so I'm no judge of the program. Do you KDP? Was it worth it?
I see a lot of freelance jobs floating around and hesitate right now due to unemployment. New Jersey has weird unemployment rules and its real easy to lose it. If I apply for a freelance job getting paid is always the hard part. I've done some of it and have seen #$%*&% people punk out on payment. Like in painting works of art the money is great one day and not so good the next. Its hard to count on it. Is it worth chancing losing unemployment for? I mean, there are bills to be paid and NJ has some of the highest unemployment in the country. Scary high right now.

See you in the pages...