When we hit high school we reinvent ourselves (sort of). It's a new enviornment, we meet new friends, and find different interests. When we choose how we react to these things --> Poof! We've become someone new. Left behind are the ideals and wants of childhood and we find different ideas and goals. After high school it happens again. College (or a job) brings new things into our lives and we change, finding our new selves. Then comes marriage and OMG! was that a change. I still miss having my own closet.
Babies? More change. Only now you're putting everyone but yourself first. Years later the kids grow up and there's no more chasing after little ones, going from play groups to music lessons to bball games and dance classes. It was all about them and suddenly they're on their own. It's called empty nest syndrome. I'm almost there...in that gray area between their college and when they're looking for the right job and place to live..either way they're very independent at this point.
My older and wiser brother says that: Empty nest is like being 20 again, only this time you have money. I think that's a good analogy. And I'm there.
Poof! I'm about to become another person. Only this time I have to think on it awhile. So many choices-I don't know what to do first.
Being a Virgo---I have a list:
Learn piano (I've always wanted to do this!)
Get my WIP finished and find a good agent.
Go back to school.
hmmmm, I'd like to jump out of an airplane but ....maybe I don't have enough courage to do that.
Buy a Mustang.
Get a tattoo.
Maybe sell some art.
So, if you were to reinvent yourself...what do you want to see in your new life?