The biggest waste I have is time. I have so much to do and so little time to do it in, but for some strange reason I procrastinate. I drift from thing to thing, knowing I should be working on my WIP but not quite getting there.
I finished another edit (on paper) of the book I’m thinking of putting up on Amazon and now have to enter these changes in the computer. Then I have someone who will edit it for me a final time. When it passes that, then it goes up.
I think.
No, I know.
Yes, I think this will be a good thing.
It’s an experiment.
It’s a hope.
I guess.
So my plan today is to go home, let the dogs out, feed them, and sit down and get started.
Good plan, right?
Wanna take bets if it will actually happen?
Procrastination is an ugly word. It sits heavy on my shoulders and presses down when I’m trying to get up.
Maybe I’ll pick up some iced coffee first. A little caffeine goes a long way.