This is a cat in an animal shelter in NJ. That little guy snuggled up next to her is a puppy. The puppy was brought in without its mother. So the ingenius people at the shelter gave the little pup to the cat to see what happened.
I'm still not writing. Just can't wrap my head around anything right now. But I am painting so thats something.
I'll be unemployed two weeks from today. I wasn't worried about that before but now...
I've been at this job for ten years...TEN YEARS! That's the longest I've ever stayed in one place. It was a crazy, interesting and incredibly stressful job. But never boring! (I need things to stay interesting. Too boring and I bail.) So, unemployment here I come.
Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road....
The cat adopted the pup and nursed him for a few weeks until he moved to solid food. She was a good mama all around.