I've taken a bit of a break from writing, painting and most everything I love to get into a new job.
I was sitting in a campaign meeting (a friend running for mayor) and someone came in with a job offer. The few who knew I was unemployed started pointing at me and saying "She wants it!" Well, going back to work before my unemployment ran out was a bit of a shock. Although I was putting the word out that I was looking, I never really gave it my all. I gave it to Karma instead. Whatever was meant to be, shall be.
And I guess Karma decided it was time.
Well the new job is in the county election division. I started two weeks before the election and haven't slept since. The amount of work that came through the office was unbelievable. We worked late every night & weekends. By election night (in at 5 a.m. not home till after 11 p.m.) I was exhausted! I think I'm still recovering. Like jet lag, election lag had me down for the count.
And now I feel like I'm back! Its time to take back control of the things I want to do as opposed to those I have to do. And I have a plan. Write at night, print and edit on my lunch hour. (I actually get a whole hour for lunch and finding myself not knowing what to do-at my last job I ate at my desk and did email during lunch.)
So my question is how do you slice up your time to write and get all the everyday demands done too? Do you have a schedule? Or just go with the flow?