Fact; Writing isn't as easy as it seems.
Writers spend a lot of time in research looking up everything from where to put that comma to how to pick a lock or hot wire a car. They read about things like how did medieval warriors make their swords and maybe that's not going to be needed in this book, but hey! maybe someday they'll need this information. Writers are like that. They are fact gatherers.
When not researching details for their story or just randomly reading what ever seems interesting. Then there's the work. Getting that story out and into a computer or on paper - however you prefer to write. From that very first sentence to the final "The End" know that the work has just begun. From there you go to that Dreaded Second Draft.
Still there are questions that every writer ponders when making the decision to pursue this a career.
1. How long should a chapter be?
To this I'd say, don't worry about it. No chapter should be one or two pages long but the chapter is a scene. It's something in the story that happens in the same place in time. Get it all out. The where, the who, the what and why. Like when you go to visit a friend. No one cares about the car ride over there unless a giant alligator ate your tires. So get to the place. What happened when you go there and make sure everything you put in moves the story forward.
2. How many pages should my novel be?

3. How do I think up names?
This is the easiest part and for some its the question they dwell on too long. Just pick a name. A few good points? Make it easy to pronounce. Don't name two main characters with the same first letter or sound as this could confuse the writer. Darla and Darrell? Susan and Cindy? Tim and Tom? You want your character to stand out so give them a name that's unique to them.
Most writing programs have a word search. If later on you think you have to change that name just do a search and replace. Easy peasy.
4. I just want to write, why do I have to read?
Yes, if you're a writer you have to read. Pick up a book and learn what works for others and what doesn't. Ever read something and it pulls you right in? You see the scene and feel the emotion in the room? That's a good writer. Learn from them. Study them.
5. What's the best schedule for a writer?
Best schedule is that chunk of time that works for you. The best way to get something finished is to think of it as a job. You go to it every day at that chosen time. If you have an outside job you wouldn't tell your boss you weren't in the mood to work. You wouldn't say you'd rather slump on the couch and watch TV. No. You show up and get it done. Writers do that. They show up and write. I recommend Stephen King's book, On Writing. In it he says he sits down for 10 pages. If he's done by noon - great! He gets the rest of the day off. If he's still working on it at 5 pm he stays at his desk. It's his job. He get's it done.
6. What's the best way to learn how to write?
Best way to learn to write is the hardest question. First; Write! You can take all the classes you want and that will help.You need to have those basic tools of grammar and sentence structure first so you can put together a cohesive thought. Second; Find a writer group. Share you work and get feedback. Not all feed back will be great. The best way to use it is to really consider the comments and take what you need and leave the rest. It's a work in progress. You'll get there and figure it out.
No matter what, if you want to be a writer, keep going. Don't let your inner critic steal your fire. Go for it. Make it happen.