Monday, September 06, 2010


I'm going back over a story that's been on the shelf for a while and I'm trying to cut the useless words. Not an easy thing in fiction because we need to describe things. Hoping that when someone reads our stuff they can visualize the scenes. We need to put pictures into their heads, but how much is too much?
If I see too much description in a book I start skimming. Too little and I find myself going back to see if I missed something.
When writing sometimes I take things out only to put them back on the next rewrite. Sometimes I waffle back and forth---should I or shouldn't I?
I wish there was a black and white rule. Then I would know for sure.
Do you think Harlen Coben worries about these things?
This is my new foster dog. Her name is Riley and she's 3 months old.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Trues...

My story, Never Give UP, is in September's issue of True Romance.
And they put in a cute pic of a dog there that totally matched the dog in my story. Yay!

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

California Judge OVERTURNS Gay Marriage Ban

Cheering here in New Jersey! Finally, we found one brain in California! This judge actually agrees that gay people should have the same rights as everyone else. Wow, what a concept!
This never should have gone to a vote in the first place. If our country is based on equal rights for each and every person then that should include everyone regardless of their personal choices. If the Emancipation Proclamation went to a vote of the general population slavery would still exist. Would women have the right to vote today if that went to a vote back then?
Of course not.
The human race grows and matures when they learn to accept each and every person is equal in every way. Today's decision is another step toward the maturity of mankind.
Yay Judge Vaughn Walker!

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


This little guy came ashore for a snack and closed our beaches.
I need to go watch that movie JAWS now....

Thursday, July 29, 2010

To E or not to E...

I've been reading a lot about authors who are now publishing their work as ebooks on Amazon and other places and it has me thinking that the face of publishing is changing.
Is this new round of self-publishing a good thing or bad?
Mr. Konrath has some very interesting thoughts on the subject. I've been reading his books since he published the first one and think he's an awesome writer. When you're looking over your shoulder at night as you read one of his books you know he has sufficiently creeped you out. And he's making money on his ebooks. We already know he's a good writer but his marketing and sales tactics continue to amaze.
We write because we love to tell the story, but for all those books that are sitting in a drawer right now, clean and ready to go, but without an agent who will take a chance on them maybe they belong as a ebook?
I have a book I love, I've written and rewritten and rewritten and now it sits there collecting dust. I'm not sure what genre it would fit in. What genre is the Marley and Me book in? It's kind of like that but from a dogs point of view. And it's more a novella size.
It was a fun book to write and I love my characters, but under what label do you sell something like that?
I'm thinking .... maybe....ebook?
Do you publish your own ebooks? Would you? Where? How?
Have you reaped more problems or rewards from it?
This little pup is my new foster dog. He was found in the yard of an abandoned house. His hair was so matted they named him Marley.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Harlan Coben - CAUGHT

When 17 year old Haley McWaid goes missing the community assumes the worst. Reporter, Wendy Tynes is on a mission to bring down sexual predators with her news program, Caught in the Act. When she publicly humiliates Dan Mercer and ruins his life things happen that make Wendy believe she may have been wrong. The story escalates and brings us into suburban America where more than a few secrets are hiding.
Nothing is as it seems in Harlan Coben's new thriller, CAUGHT. This book is a page turner that will make you believe one thing is true then twist everything around till you know nothing is as it seems.
In true Coben style this book will keep you up at night. I actually misplaced it at one point and tore my house apart to find it because I just had to find out how it ended.
Great read= 5 Aimless Stars

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Getting the Groove back...

I've been slacking for a while now and can't seem to get back in the saddle. I've been writing shorts and actually sold one but just can't seem to find my groove.
The health issues I've been dealing with since my car accident in 07 are still there to haunt me. My family dynamics are changing as my kids are grown up now and building their own lives and I think it's this combination that is dragging me down.
Taking in the foster dogs help. They often come from cruel and stressful situations and need extra TLC. The house still has some life in it, but I miss having the kids around.
I've been slacking off on all my writing groups which help me immensely. I just can't find the urge to go anymore. It's not like writer's block...its more like writer's don't care anymore. But I do, care that is, but still there's something missing. Perhaps my muse has fled the scene? Maybe it's all worn out and I have to go find a new one to push around? Did I work him to the bone and overload him so now he needs his rest? Ahhhh, Muse, where are you now?
Where does the groove go and how can I hunt it down to drag it back?

Go Indie or Publishing House?

 Like the song says; You can buy your own Flowers.  Yet still we hesitate.  Agent - Publishing House - Indie Okay, getting an agent who can ...