Sunday, November 05, 2006

My "G" is gone

The dog jumped up on to the couch, one paw down hard and my "G" key went flying. I was too lazy to get up and find it and besides at this point I was pinned by a 70 lb Golden Retriever named Halston. (No, we didn't name her.) This slowed me down for about ten minutes until I learned to push the little plastic thing under the keys to get my "G" out. The "G" key joined the missing ranks with my "Alt" key and one of those little arrow keys. they went missing a long time ago.

Funny how we can learn to adapt.

Like we adapt the time we get to write. I'm sure those yet unpublished (and some of the published) will understand. Working full time, doing the family thing, and basic house cleaning and maintance doesn't leave much time to crank out a book or two. I usually get up early and if not captivated by anything on the blogs of Robert Gregory Brown, Mark Terry, J.A. Konrath or even (yes! I admit it!) The Astrology Zone, I can usually squeeze in an hour or so of writing. If I write longer then that I just tell my boss I overslept. After work, dinner and cleanup, sometimes if I can clear my head, I can get in another hour or so. Weekends, that should be excellent for carving out some writing time, zoom by so fast I'm ususally left to wonder what the hell happened!
My question is: When is your writing time? How do you find it?

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Rejection letters

What are these but notches in our belt? Each one is hard earned and brings with it a sense of being a real writer. I mean, if you have a pile of rejections are you not truly A WRITER????
For Halloween I'm stapling all my rejection letters to my shirt and going as a Frustrated Writer. I know someone out there will understand....

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Warm balls of fur
And fun
Soft sweet and
Full of love

Always happy
I am here
Greets me with kisses
Every day, every time.

More affection
Then I deserve
Undying cuddly love
Forever mine
Aimlessly writing random writings.

Last Day of NANOWRIMO --- Oh No!

 Where did the month go?  Certainly not on the page. I have an outline, some character sketches but mostly I have a lot of research notes.  ...