Monday, September 29, 2008

Tales in the schoolyard

Think back...for some of you...way back. We're young, carefree and playing in the school yard with the neighborhood kids.
There's you-just out to have some good clean fun.
There's Joe-the kid you can count on, kind of quiet, brave and smart. He's the kid who will climb down the sewer after your ball just because he's a can-do kind of guy.
See Nancy over there? A bit outspoken but nice and really smart.
Barack-more mature but still seems to have all the right answers.
And then there's Johnny-the whiner who is always blaming everyone else in the yard and is the first to tattletale when something doesn't go his way.
We see Sarah standing off to the side, a sweet kid, kinda dumb but the one who is always trying to play with the big kids even though she's not old enough.

Return to 2008.
Johnny is blaming Nancy because his party voted the bailout down. Whining again that Barack must be at fault somehow. Out of what? 500 senators? It must come down to this one vote because it couldn't possibly be that maybe Johnny's joyride of political grandstanding to bring us the bailout failed, could it?
What does the wiser Barack do? He simply moves forward looking for solutions and doesn't waste his time whining like little Johnny.
Story over.


Kath Calarco said...

I'm a Nancy fan! So what? She pointed fingers at the perpetrators. The truth hurts sometimes.

I'm happy for Rosh Hashanah. Maybe a break is exactly what's needed.

Great post!

Aimlesswriter said...

I would love it Nancy ran for president! She'd be a smart and strong candidate.

Melanie Hooyenga said...

Ha, I love this story! I've actually shied away from a lot of the coverage - I'm on overload and need to save my strength for the debate on Thursday.

Go Indie or Publishing House?

 Like the song says; You can buy your own Flowers.  Yet still we hesitate.  Agent - Publishing House - Indie Okay, getting an agent who can ...