Sunday, November 15, 2015

Impulsive Facebook Ad

Yesterday I posted a link on facebook to a blog post I did from my website about why I wrote Soul Mates and how the idea came from the dogs I've helped to rescue. (I work as a foster family and foster homeless dogs until a good family can be found.) It was kind of a sloppy post. All I did was put the link on fb and the photo popped in with the title of the blog post. No big deal.

Then this morning a little thing popped up on FB that said, "Boost your Post."

I checked my paypal account and found 12 bucks. So I flipped back to the FB tab and hit the button. I figured its kind of like a lottery ticket. Sometime you win, but probably not. Either way I haven't done any promoting in a few months so what the heck. I was planning on waiting till after the holidays to create a budget and make a plan. (Hopefully, my current WIP, -not the NANO one-  but Threshold of Midnight, will be up by then)

I clicked all the buttons to set up the FB ad; one week for $10. Yeah! I'm a big spender! Unlike last time when I made the book free,  Soul Mates, is up for its regular prices. Kindle $1.99 and Paperback $6.99.
So since this morning I've got a big 3 click-throughs and no sales.
Unfortunately, since this blog was set up on a free Wix site I have no analytics to see if anyone actually went to the site. I should go to google to see if I can add it.

I'll post the results every couple days. This is from Facebook;


Charles Gramlich said...

I'm definitely interested in seeing how this turns out. Hope it goes well.

Aimlesswriter said...

Thanks Charles!
After my last fb ad I'm doubting I'll see anything great but every sale is a blessing.

Go Indie or Publishing House?

 Like the song says; You can buy your own Flowers.  Yet still we hesitate.  Agent - Publishing House - Indie Okay, getting an agent who can ...