Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Double Timing NaNoWriMo Word Count

 I have two laptops. My old laptop is on my desk at home.  Most of  my writing takes place on that one. It's got a lot of stories and idea blurbs on it. 

My newer laptop is used for work. It has a lot of graphic work on it and I did copy a few stories onto it. 

I mostly NaNo at home. So my word count for that is now 4111.  Thanks to a Zoomie NaNo group last night I did pop out another thousand words. Yay! I've been a NaNo slacker and groups help keep you writing. 

Then one day I was bored at work and, without my 2021 NaNo story with me,  I started another story. That one stands at 1546.  

So if I add these two stories together I'm at 5657 words.  

Speaking to my fellow NaNo-ers last night they thought it was ok to call that my NaNo word count because it's all about the writing. 

I have to admit that my fellow NaNo-ers in my group had almost double my word count. I'm such a slacker. It's that real life excuse that I always fall back on, but i believe... I've always believed, excuses are ugly. Excuses don't get things done. Action does, Ass in chair, and hands on keyboard. 

So what's your word count? And remember any words are better than no words. 

Write on my friends, Write on. 

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