Showing posts with label 50. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 50. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 01, 2023

NaNoWriMo Begins!

 It's time to start NaNoWriMo! Yay! 

Are you ready to write the next great 50,000 words of genius? 

It's okay if you're not. Just fire up that old computer/tablet/writing instrument and just write.  Yes, that's the way to do it. 

The best way to start NaNo when you have no idea what to write is to just write something. Don't judge whether its good or bad, just get it down. You can edit/fix after you got those 50,000 down. 

If you have a story idea then you're ahead of most in the game. There's a lot of people who have no idea what to write and they are almost ready to give up before they start. 

Please don't give up! You can do it!

Without an idea the advice to "just write" can still be intimidating. So, what to do? Here's some ways to get started; 

1. Google writing prompts. These are brief story starter ideas that can spark your imagination. You can also google these in your favorite genre. Love romances (the biggest industry in publishing) then put into the search engine; Romance Story Prompts. Sci-fi? Historical? Horror? Erotica? It's all there somewhere on the web. 

2. Ask yourself "What if" and then let your imagination go. What if a man has a body in his trunk? What if he get's back ended and the trunk pops open? What if a woman accepts a date with a man then discovers his best friend is the man who is the father of her kid - and she never told him he was the father? What if a space alien landed in your back yard. He's hurt. Do you nurse him back to health or call the cops? What if you go out for a walk at night and are bitten by a vampire? Werewolf? What if you discover your mother is witch? 

3. Get a book off your self. Close your eyes, open to a random page and point. That sentence is the first sentence of your novel. (Yes, this one is a big challenge. Are you up for it?)

4. Find a piece of artwork. Either in your home or store or anywhere you happen to be. Stare at it and then write about what's next for that picture? Is it a picture of a house? (I have Thomas Kincade pics here) Who lives in that house? What if something happened there? Ghosts? Did the in-laws move in? Did the woman who lives there find a strange animal and raises it only to find out it's a baby dinosaur? 

5. What if you were an alien. What would your impressions of the earth be when you landed. What if you were a time traveler? Would you go forward or back in time and what would you find? 

Remember stories are everywhere. Set your imagination loose and find those story lines that are uniquely yours. It's all good. 

Happy NaNoWriMo! You got this! 

Sunday, October 29, 2023

NaNoWriMo 2023 Starts in 3 Days - Ready?


Three days till NaNoWriMo starts!

Are you ready to write? A plotter or a pantser? 

I generally make my notes in a sketch book. This gives me room to draw or write and make arrows and lines. Little boxes of character notes. Its a real mess to everyone else, but it keeps me centered. A sketch book also gives me a place to draw out my town. I know which streets my character goes down and where everyone lives. Sorry, but it your character can make it three miles across town, walking and still show up on time for dinner.... someone out there in reader-land will nail you for it. Details! The devil is in the Details! 

For NaNo? I have nothing planned. 

Today we had our NaNoWriMo launch party and someone brought these dice that gave plot ideas when you rolled them. So I gave it a roll.

Next idea came from trying to make a witch for my front yard. There's a way to do it with a gallon milk jug, black plastic table cloths and a stick. So I went to Pinterest and found out how to put it all together. Do you know what happens when you ask Pinterest something? Like witches?
Your feed fills with witchcraft and spells. Next thing I know Facebook groups are showing up with witches. What's a writer to do?

First I started a Pinterest board for witch stuff. I need to know more about this stuff! Did I join the FB group? Well.....

So, in the past week or so the universe has brought to me those four plot point dice and witches. That's what I'm going to write about for NaNoWriMo. 

Witches, Illusion, Non-Gen, Protect & Anti-Hero

Gotta love a challenge. 

So did you pick your plot, yet? Got a seedling of an idea? Or just gonna go for it? 

Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Double Timing NaNoWriMo Word Count

 I have two laptops. My old laptop is on my desk at home.  Most of  my writing takes place on that one. It's got a lot of stories and idea blurbs on it. 

Saturday, November 06, 2021

NaNoWriMo is Here! Are you Rockin' It?

 I'm a bit over 2000 words. Not really a great count for day 6 of NaNo, but its something. 

Here's the problem. 

This was a challenge to do from a randomly picked prompt. not my idea or something I'd usually write about.  So I spend a lot of time forcing myself into the shoes of my MC (main character) to come up with the next move. 

This time I also printed out a worksheet of the Hero's Journey to fit my story into. I've got some of it down but mostly I have no freakin' clue where I'm going with this story. 

And so I flounder... questions! Questions! Questions! 

What next? 

What should MC do now? 

How does she know this isn't just her imagination? 

Is the guy she just met one of them or will he help her?

Is she about to get sucked into a nightmare? how do I save her and let this get crazy? Should I? 

Oy! My head! 

Ok, NaNo, See in tomorrow at 7 am with coffee. 

Good luck out there you NaNo wizards. Write on, Write good, Write often. 

How's your word count? 

Saturday, November 02, 2019

NaNoWriMo Begins

NaNo is here! Wo0T!
Yesterday I was tooo crazy busy but got some words done today. So since NaNo is  a worldwide challenge I'm going to try to post my progress here every day or so. To the right is my word count.
Wish me luck!

Before NaNo I wrote a quick blurb for the story. Now I have no idea where to go with this story so it's a bit of a challenge.
Woman stumbles into a grounded angel and they fall back into a bar where wayward angels meet. This gathering of angels have been put back to earth to earn their wings. They're a rag tag bunch and the woman can't be sure if they'll help her or not. One catch; she's trapped and can't figure out how to get out of the bar and back home.

Day 1 of NaNo, 231 words
Woman (Casey) is running from a mugger and runs right into an angel. They fall back into the bar that only angels can enter or even see.

Lordy! This is going to be a hard story to write.... Hello NaNo challenge!
See you tomorrow.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Slow Go for NANOWRIMO?

I get depressed when I look at my NANO word count. Then I visit the NANOWRIMO facebook page and see I'm not the only slow poke. Lots are faster/further than I and lots are with me or behind me.

Hey! At least I got something down on paper. Now if I only had more hours in the day.

Usually, when i write something I kind of have an idea where the story is going. Maybe I don't know everything, but I know most. Sometimes I get the ending before the beginning.

This NANO I took one sentence that I scribbled down a few months ago and decided that would be my start. I tucked that little piece of paper under the arm of my Edgar Allen Poe action figure and refused to look at it until November 1st. When I finally looked....nothing came to me. However, in the spirit of NANO I forged ahead and just started writing. Now, 6000 words in I still don't know what to do with this story. Edgar has been no help. ;)

I spent an hour last night changing the main characters names. Then changing them again. Googling names by country and by popularity and basically wasted the night. I think that was my sub-conscience's goal. Waste time and hope to write SOMETHING.

When I get stuck I usually stop and think; How can I torture my main character?
A strange phone call in the night? Meet a creepy neighbor? Discover something bizarre and off the main point of the story. (What if you were investigating a murder and in the process discovered something really weird about someone you thought you knew?)  Would I want to keep that in the story later? Who knows! But I'm going for a word count here, baby! 50,000 by November 30th! That's 18 more panic filled days of writing.

It's after nine and I have to work in the morning...that real-life-gotta-eat-job that so interrupts my writing time. Come on! Let's NANO!

So??? How's that NANOWRITMO gig treating you? What's your word count?

Go Indie or Publishing House?

 Like the song says; You can buy your own Flowers.  Yet still we hesitate.  Agent - Publishing House - Indie Okay, getting an agent who can ...