If you are looking for a fun read pick up this book. It a light hearted story with some dark and dangerous demons.
Cassidy Burke is a single mom with her own cleaning business. When she finds out the women in her family are destine to be Demon Dusters and save the world she really has her hands full. Add a sexy new client who has more than business on his mind with a hunk of an ex lover who happens to be the father she never told her daughter about and all hell is about to break loose in the sleepy little town of La Sombra.
Loved this book but even better I just checked out Maureen Child's site and found out there's a sequel. Whooo Hoooo!
If you are looking for a good laugh pick up this book and read how Cassidy maintains her cleaning biz, reels in the sexy new client (in more ways then one) and handles her hunky ex lover while she dusts demons on the side.