Today on Yahoo News it was reported that the US Army is using pigs for target practise. Well, actually they are just shooting them so they can patch them back up and then they'll know what its like to sew real living tissue back together.
I have to wonder why they chose pigs? Why not cows? or maybe dogs? Did they think pigs wouldn't be as objectionable?
I'm not a big fan of pigs but this is just wrong.
Where is the Humane Society? Why aren't they screaming about animal cruelty within the US Army?
Aside from the huge animal cruelty issue what about the soldiers who have to harm these animals for no reason. Okay, some may not have an issue with this but I'm sure there are many who do view this stunt as animal cruelty and will be emotionally scarred by this stunt.
So who can stop this? The US Army isn't listening. Can we write our congresmen? Senators?
Save the pigs!