So how does a writer find the time to write? It's always hard to clear the head enough to get the words flowing. Is this more of a problem for women? Traditionally, women are the care givers and are constantly thinking about others. Do the kids have what they need? Laundry done? What to cook for dinner? Carpool? Take care of that fiverr gig. (Check out my fiverr in the right column!) Oh yeah, write the book!
I started a new job which, so far, I'm loving. The people are great and I get to write stuff for their website. I do a lot of other things too but I'm most excited about the writing. Like all jobs there's a learning curve and between that and finals, my book has fallen to the way side. I haven't touched it in three weeks.
THREE WEEKS! Yikes! I can't believe that. Its so sad. I have such high hopes for this book. No Apologies was fun to write. It came from writer's block and to break through I just let myself write badly. As I read through my pages I found I liked the book. It has tension, some funny parts, and a little romance.
I need to find balance. Carve out that writing time and stick to a new schedule to get this book edited and off my desk. I think every change in our lives calls for a new writing schedule.