Thursday, July 22, 2010

Techie Help needed...

I work in a place that is very slow this time of year. There is NOTHING to do there. I work at all. We're busy like 7 random months out of the year and I hate it. It drives me crazy to sit there and do nothing all day. I keep thinking of all the things I could get done if I were anywhere but there.
Today I surfed the net, read a book, played spider solitaire, read some more. I tried writing a little but there are too many people yapping and I forgot my ipod.
The one thing I used to enjoy was AOL's Instant messenger. My daughter lives in Florida and it was wonderful to chat with her while I sit there and do nothing.
Then the company blocked it!
So any techie's out there tell me how I can get around this blocked chat?
Gmail chat-blocked
Yahoo chat-blocked
The IT department is pretty good...I'll need some real geek help to beat this.
Either that or anyone know of a job that will keep me busy? I can't stand this down time! Why don't they put us on a four day work week for the summer? Why don't they lend us out to other departments? Something? Anything!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Taking a Break and Guilt

I usually have several book length projects going at a time. (And I think this is my problem-I'm toooo ambidextrous.) But lately I've taken a break from working on this sort of stuff and moved to short stories. It's like having more room to breathe. Books are a commitment. They go on for hours, days, months, but a short can be cranked out in hours (not counting the rewrite). I'm having some issues finding homes for them all, but at least they're keeping my writer's muscle flexing.
So? Do you ever need a break? What do you do?

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Head Hopping....I just can't let go of this...

I'm listening to a book on CD in my car for my drive to work and...I have to go look up the author's name...she's head hopping. Not blatantly and if I wasn't a writer would I even notice? It's subtle but it's there.
We're in a room with four sets of parents of kids who have been kidnapped together. Our main head is Lena's (mother of one of the victims) and we're hearing her husband's thoughts at one part and then SNAP' we're back in Lena's.
It was just like one sentence, but it was there. We weren't Lena watching the husband or listening to him, we were in his thoughts. It was so well done I'm not sure it would have bothered me except for the fact I knew it was a head hop.
I was like ...wait a minute...flip the CD back a few paces...listen...again... Yep! that was a head hop.
So now my radar is up and I'm watching for more.
Like I said, this was very well done. It kept with the flow of the story and characters.
So when is head hopping okay? Is there some kind of rule?
Or, and I've seen this before, could this be an older, more established writer who is allowed to take liberties the rest of us poor folks don't get?

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Finding Old Friends

I met an old friend today. Someone I haven't seen in over twenty years. Someone I used to love. He is one of those people with a great sense of humor and all round good nature. His soul was pure. And seeing him today made me realize how much I missed him. He was there with is wife and told me about his sons and his pets. I could see by the way he talked about his life ...its been good and that made me happy.
I think seeing him today was a gift. A smile from God.

Friday, July 02, 2010

What Joy is

When Coco came to our house she was very shy. That first night she whined constantly as she paced back and forth from the front door to the back. When I'd go to pet her she'd cower, head to the ground, eyes closed-like she was waiting for the smack. When it was time to eat she'd inch up and if I turned to quick she'd brace for the blow. My heart broke each time she cringed back against the floor.
She's been with me a little over two weeks now and her personality is coming out more and more.
She comes running to get her food and prances and wags her tail when she hears me get out the treat bag. She lays out on the deck in the sun and surveys the yard instead of cowering by my side. I see a bit of independence in her today that was missing when she first came.
And today I saw pure Joy. She ran to me, put her paws up then raced away, daring me to give chase. This repeated over and over as she would run into the bushes, peek out, then come racing back. She was playing! A first for Coco since she arrived hungry, scared and shaking. I raced her around the yard a few times just to see her joy.
This one has stolen my heart. She is going to be hard to give up.
Happy Independence Day!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Good News!

I made a sale! I made a sale! I made a sale!
It's a short story but ...I made a sale!
Smiling now.

Go Indie or Publishing House?

 Like the song says; You can buy your own Flowers.  Yet still we hesitate.  Agent - Publishing House - Indie Okay, getting an agent who can ...