I rewrite my blurbs over and over. I put the book, Soul Mates up on Amazon and sold a few, nothing amazing. So now my next book, Betrayed by an Angel will be going up soon and I started rethinking my other blurb. So I changed it from;
After dying on mean city streets a woman goes to heaven and begs God to reincarnate to bring the message of unconditional love back to earth. Follow the adventure when a deal with God goes terribly wrong she's tossed back to earth as one of the smallest dogs on the planet.
She was dying. Her life draining away on a hot city sidewalk
and she gave it up willingly. Life had been hard and she was ready. With a jolt
and a prayer she awakens in Heaven.
Through her flows all the joy and wonder of existence and
she comes face to face with God. Overwhelmed, she begs to reincarnate to share
this wonderful message of God’s unconditional love with those on earth. Will
God give her this chance?
Is it any better? Some of my sources says it still needs work. I just don't know what.
Now I'm writing the blurb to book 2 and still struggling. Like that 2 minute agent elevator pitch, that little eye catching book blurb mystifies me. I think its a special talent to think in words so brief. My mind tends to ramble.
So? How's your blurb talent?