Monday, May 19, 2008

When the urge hits. What do you do?

I've put aside Elevator Man for now while I turn Lucifer Walks into a screen play for a small film company. Almost done with that- Yay! But its consumed me. It was one of those things that took more work then I expected. First I had to read through the original 400 page manuscript and chop it up into screen play size. Push aside all those descriptive phrases and just give direction. OUch! I did a lot of writing, cutting, writing.
But now I have the overwhelming urge to lock my self in my garret (okay, its just a spare room but to appease the artist inside I think of it as a garret) and paint. I want to get my hands dirty, touch the paint, feel the canvas beneath my brush and splatter my jeans with rainbows of acrylic.
When I come up from air after whipping my WIP I always have the urge to paint.
Question; When you come up for air, what do you do to re-center yourself?

Sunday, May 18, 2008


The parrot in the corner keeps saying "Redrum, Redrum...waaahhhaakk!" and I have to wonder if its a warning or a promise.
Usually when I write he's asking me "is that good", making me question my WIP. Now he cries of murder and doom. His change of mood seems to have a lot to do with the grown kids who live here. They stay up late at night and seem to think it funny to teach him things like "Doom! We're all Doomed!" and how to cluck like a chicken. Redrum seems to be his favorite now. He does it in this low, gravely voice, compliments of the kids, which only makes it more disturbing. We wake up to it, hear it during dinner and its now how he greets visitors.
I've tried to teach him to say "I love you" since he came to live here years ago but he's never uttered those words. I give him a cheerful "hello" and "goodbye". He never gets those either. So, I have to wonder if he's possessed by something evil or if he just has the same warped sense of humor of those young people who live here. Or maybe its a little of both.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

California now says Gay people can marry. Kudo's for California!
To all those states that say no I have only one thing to say;
oK, my vent is over.
No wait, one more thing. John McCain doesn't think judges should be involved in this;
Booooo to John-boy!

Whatcha think?

I'm about to be unemployed. Whoohooo! I'm not really upset. I view it as an adventure. Who knows whats around the corner?
So I was talking to my kids today (both in their 20's) and they suggested opening a coffee shop with gluten free snacks. Good idea?
I hate cooking, baking and kitchen work. Why would I want to go into a business that involved this stuff?
I love animals.
Doggie day care?
Sadly, not a good idea. Although I live with three dogs (not all mine), 2 cats and a parrot. I'm allergic to anything with fur. :(
So, I'm thinking what do I love best? Writing & Art.
So now I'm researching grants to open up an art gallery for local artists. I want to give the locals a place to display their work and maybe get some press.
Anyone have any ideas on this? Have you ever applied for a grant? Ever recieved one?
Help! I'm in uncharted territory here!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Slowly going crazy

Still no computer. I get up early and go on my daughter's. However, there's no Word on this puter. CAN YOU IMAGINE A COMPUTER WITHOUT WORD?
Its like a world without air.
All my current WIPs are on Edgar who is up at college. :(
I hope he's having fun there, taking good care of my WIPs and not staying up to late. Edgar needs his rest. I think my head is going to explode if I don't get these voices down in Word.
See those bottles? That's what happens when you drop a Mentos in a bottle of diet Coke. Lesson here? Be careful when you mix dangerous snacks.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Stealing computer time

I'm computerless. WHhhhaaaaaa! :(
My college kid's computer crashed. Its exam time. In this day and age she really needs her computer. So her's sits on the kitchen table and my sweet Edgar went to college.
I hope he has fun there, doesn't stay up to late and remembers to shut down for a few hours at night. It's important he gets his rest.
Now I prowl coffee shops and wait for those unsuspecting caffine hounds to leave there puters unguarded for a few minutes so I can jump on and check out my favorite blogs.
I'm computerless, blogless and I think I'm in withdrawals.

Friday, May 02, 2008

From Book to Screenplay?

This is my Edgar Allen Poe action figure. He sits on my desk to inspire me.
He's not doing so good this week. Inspiration is flagging. Even the WIP that I'm lovin' isn't moving along. :(

Now, someone close to me has asked me to turn a 400 page manuscript I wrote a few years ago into a screenplay for an up and coming film company and I'm at a loss. 400 pages are nice and fluffy and all encompassing but a screenplay is more stripped down to the bones. Leaving things out won't give the full effect of the story, putting too much in won't leave time for the whole story.

Help! Edgar isn't too inspiring right now....

Last Day of NANOWRIMO --- Oh No!

 Where did the month go?  Certainly not on the page. I have an outline, some character sketches but mostly I have a lot of research notes.  ...