Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Lions and Tigers and DEADLINES!

"Empower your dreams with deadlines."--H. Jackson Brown

Why is it when given an assignment to get something done by a certain time most of us are able to accomplish something. Get that to me by Tuesday-no problem. We need the newsletter to the printer by Friday- okey dokey! Mother in law's gonna be her Saturday, gotta clean!-Whew! Got it done.

First deadline-Finish first draft by June- um, well...I was injured, Hey! I get a free pass! (car accident/surgery) Okay, it was done by Christmas.

Second draft- Chinese New Year- hmmmm, that goal wasn't realistic, was it?

Synopsis-(Cause I need a break from drafting)-Easter? YIKES! Here comes Easter!

Note to self: Need new deadlines. Did we say Christmas?

PS-I don't know who H. Jackson Brown is but I'd like to know what his deadlines are. (or were?)


Josephine Damian said...

Aimless: Love all the critters on your blog. Nice opener on the BookEnds blog. I remember it from Nathan's contest. Good luck!

Aimlesswriter said...

Thank you! I do worry a bit about posting it around but I think Bookends would be top on my list of dream agents.

Julie Weathers said...

Aimless, that is probably the most troubling and intriguing opening I have ever read.

I can't help but want to know more.


Aimlesswriter said...

I've actually scared myself with parts of this book.
I think I have a bad case of the "what ifs".

Julie Weathers said...

Yeah, well if it was a movie I would be watching it through my fingers. Not sure how to read through my fingers, though.

Good job.


Parade of Horribles said...

Just wanted to say I thought your 100 words on Bookends rocked!

Your blog made me think of the Douglas Adams quotation about deadlines - "I like the swooshing noise they make as they go by."

Aimlesswriter said...

parade of horribles,
I love Douglas Adams! lol

Go Indie or Publishing House?

 Like the song says; You can buy your own Flowers.  Yet still we hesitate.  Agent - Publishing House - Indie Okay, getting an agent who can ...