Grief, It's a strange beast.
It hurt when Inky left. My daughter thinks she left like that to spare her the pain of having to bury her beloved cat.
Maybe so.
I've had mixed feelings. I had anger at her not letting me be there.
Silly, I know. She's a cat. A soul seperate from my own who lives (and should) by her own rules.
But still.
I'm not writing yet but my mind has started churning. Ideas for one of my WIPs have been coming to me.
So it's almost time to write again. It's coming, I can feel it.
And I'm painting. So that's a good thing. Paint soothes the soul. If I could touch my soul I'd paint it orange. If red is lust and pink is pure love then orange is an outrageous combination of love and lust. We should approach life with orange energy.
I found this picture on the net. The artist name is on the bottom. I love the mood her work sets. This guy looks lonely but also content. Like he's almost ready to move on. I understand him.
What the parrot is saying: AAAFLAAAAAK!
My children have a strange sense of humor. I know they stay up late teaching him these things. He still has yet to say I love you.
My living room walls (where I write) are deep orange. Coincidence? I think not!
I'm so sorry, again, about your cat. When my cat died, DH stuffed a new kitten in my arms. Psychologists say it helps. I guess it did, after the guilt.
I once had a boyfriend who wore orange whenever he got depressed. It seems a color to brighten one's mood. I think I'm going to buy an orange sweatshirt on the way home. :-)
(Ooh, looky at that. I just noticed the background of my picture is orange!)
Orange walls---I love it.
Feel the energy flowing!
The orange energy is strong! I have a lot of orange clothes and do wear them when I need to brighten my mood. Try it, it works!
We have three dogs (one my daughter brought home from college)another (pycho) cat, a parrot, frogs and fish. If I suggested bringing aother animal in to this house I think my DH would shoot me! lol
I never liked cats before the last few years. Now that I have one? I understand cat owners. At least a little. The dogs in the household keep voting to send her on her way. I'm actually considering a second one.
Losing a pet is a tough thing. I have no advice to offer, so instead allow me to hand out best wishes and condolences. As a pet fanatic, I think spyscribbler's advice is best.
LMAO @ the parrot. That's so funny. I'm glad you're starting to get back in the groove again. I've come across several writers on the blogs I read who have just been through similar things and we all seem to be getting our groove back at around the same time.
Thanks for your kind words. I feel silly I'm so obcessed by losing Inky. I think its something only another animal lover can understand.
Several writer's blogs saying writings hard, too? Maybe its mercury in retrograde?
The parrot's a quick learner. (African Grey) Sometimes I'm afraid to wake up in the morning to see what new thing he learned.
hehe just don't start watching porn near him. That could be embarrassing later.
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