Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Looking for that Writing Mojo

 It's a slump? Writer's Block? No, I don't believe in writer's block because there's always something to write about. This is more like too damn busy to get any writing done. 

Up early and in work at 7 am. Out at 3 pm and then either to second job or home to do paperwork. And if I sit still for too long, I fall asleep.  It's lack of time. Too much to do and not enough hours in the day.  Super old excuse. 

So how to overcome it? 

Since I have some drive time I'm listening to books about writing. Donald Mass is a good one with the Emotional Craft of Fiction. Stephen King's On Writing - a must read. 

Any other favorite books on writing? I need to get inspired, to pull back into that writing zone. The place that comes from deep inside and spits out stories one after another. I need to get back to that place. That zone. 

Where do you get that inspiration? How do you find that writer's zone when life gets in the way?

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Going Vella on Amazon

 Writers are loading up content on Amazon's new Kindle Vella - a way to read individual episodes. You can upload as many episodes as you want and people buy tokens to read them.  It doesn't seem to generate a great amount of money but if you get enough readers it can grow. 

So, here's my new story up on Vella. First 3 chapters are free. 

Eyes of My Killer

Knowing a person's secrets by looking into their eyes was Misty's gift. At least she thought so until she came eye to eye with a nightmare. 

Max Jennings was a by-the-book detective on the trail of a dangerous serial killer. When Misty walked into the squad room trying to sell her psycho babble, he labeled her a whacko. Then the killer leaves a body on Misty's front porch and Max must decide to trust a woman with a gift he doesn't understand or maybe, watch her die.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Banned Book Week

In Florida they're banning books. 

Other States are joining in. 

And then there's Texas. Land of the free, unless you live in Texas. 

Speak out. 

Speak up.

And check with your local school district. 

Do you know what they're doing? 

Censorship leaves us in the dark - Keep the light on. 

Saturday, November 27, 2021

NANO ~~~ Why have I deserted you?

 Yes, the beginning of NANOWriMo was rockin'. I wrote and wrote and then started a new story and wrote some more. Problem? I took the premise as a challenge from my daughter and never really fell in love with the character or thrust of the story. 

No lie, I have about 100 story starts in my computer. Whenever something pops into my head I get it down before I forget it. I sometimes do a whole Hero's Journey outline then stuff it in a file. Sometimes I just write the book blurb. I dream of the day when I can just stay home and write. 

Oh wait! I had two months of that last year. Did I finish a book? No, I was too wound up worrying about my business. (We started a business 7 months before we were shut down for covid) 

So now I have other excuses. 3 very needy foster dogs. Business work stuff; meetings, marketing and paperwork.  Oh yeah! Tomorrow I get my booster vax so I can use that excuse, too? Eh I didn't react to the last two shots so probably won't this time either. 

Excuses aside, there are 3 solid days left for NANO. I'm at 4573 words in Aliens Hiding in Plain Sight (not really a title)  story and 1056 words in Xiberon Survivors, another 813 words in Day 864. I think I wrote a little in Saving Saverine, too but that was on my other computer so I don't have the word count. 

I feel this NANO is doomed. 

So cheer me up! How's your NANO going? 

Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Double Timing NaNoWriMo Word Count

 I have two laptops. My old laptop is on my desk at home.  Most of  my writing takes place on that one. It's got a lot of stories and idea blurbs on it. 

Saturday, November 06, 2021

NaNoWriMo is Here! Are you Rockin' It?

 I'm a bit over 2000 words. Not really a great count for day 6 of NaNo, but its something. 

Here's the problem. 

This was a challenge to do from a randomly picked prompt. not my idea or something I'd usually write about.  So I spend a lot of time forcing myself into the shoes of my MC (main character) to come up with the next move. 

This time I also printed out a worksheet of the Hero's Journey to fit my story into. I've got some of it down but mostly I have no freakin' clue where I'm going with this story. 

And so I flounder... questions! Questions! Questions! 

What next? 

What should MC do now? 

How does she know this isn't just her imagination? 

Is the guy she just met one of them or will he help her?

Is she about to get sucked into a nightmare? how do I save her and let this get crazy? Should I? 

Oy! My head! 

Ok, NaNo, See in tomorrow at 7 am with coffee. 

Good luck out there you NaNo wizards. Write on, Write good, Write often. 

How's your word count? 

Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Gearing Up for NaNoWriMo

 Most writers know what NaNoWriMo is; National Novel Writing Month in November. It's yearly challenge, started in 1999, for writers to complete a 50,000 word novel within the month. Yes, it's possible. My novel, Soul Mates was a NaNo. Good things come through a little discipline. And coffee.... lots of coffee. 


Here's a few tips to do now to get ready to join the NaNoWriMo challenge. 

Go Indie or Publishing House?

 Like the song says; You can buy your own Flowers.  Yet still we hesitate.  Agent - Publishing House - Indie Okay, getting an agent who can ...