Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Better to light a single candle....

Better to light a single candle then to sit and curse at the dark, lost pages of my manuscript.
I had an absolutely great time at the critique group. There was an agent there (whose name I missed because I got lost-yes, thats typical, I'm always lost) who gave us sooo much great information on query letters (which are an art by themselves) and the writing process in general. Caridad Pineiro, a wonderfully prolific writer, also gave great insight on what builds a great story and how to hook your readers from the start.
When they took my pages in hand and started to read there was a feeling of diving off a cliff. Laying open my soul and letting them peek inside. But most of what they said hit upon things I already had questions about. They gave real good suggestions and I came away with more of a focus on where the story should go.
I also submitted to Cabbages and Kings. A wonderful blog everyone should check out. It belongs to the writing team know as P.J.Parrish. (Thank you, P.J.Parrish!!) Everything said there echoed the words of the other critique group.
I would definately recommend every writer find a great critique group and lay open your soul. Its kinda like raising a child...sooner or later you have to give them wings.

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