Wednesday, November 22, 2006

RWA totally worth it!

The RWA meeting was wonderfully inspiring! The people were an amazing wealth of knowledge of publishing and the writing process. It was like being among kindred souls! These peeps understood me and I probably could have stayed all day.
The speaker of the day was Marcela Landres, a book doctor. She was an editor at for 7 years and now helps others get published.
The information she shared with us gave me new perspective on what the agents and publishers look for when a book comes thier way. She gave some great suggestions for shaping the dreaded query letter, too.
Aside from the speakers and other things at the meeting I met the greatest people. Not having a large contingent of fiction writers here in my little burg, it was inspiring to talk to other writers who are in the same boat as me; prepublished, looking for representation and wondering where I'm gonna get the time to write!
I would definately recommend the RWA. I only wish I had joined sooner!


Anonymous said...

Just stuck my nose in to say Hi.

It's good to see you have found some supportive writing groups locally. I live in Scotland and at some stage I'm going to have to do the same over here, scary thought.:)

We don't do Thanksgiving over this side of the pond but I hope you have a nice one.

Aimlesswriter said...

Thank you Tattieheid! Our holiday was a nice one, spent with family.
Long ago a few women I know started a writer's group by walking into my local Barnes and Noble bookstore and asking if we could start a writing group and meet there once a week. Do you have a bookstore or library near you where you could do this?
I belong to a regular random writing group and a critique group along with the RWA. So there are alot of possiblities out there!

Anonymous said...

hey J!
I just wanted to know what you thought of my first chapter!
Hope your holidays were great!
I just lost two chapters of my novel because my flashdrive fed up on me.
I cried i was so depressed.
HOpefully I can find a way to recover it!

Go Indie or Publishing House?

 Like the song says; You can buy your own Flowers.  Yet still we hesitate.  Agent - Publishing House - Indie Okay, getting an agent who can ...